Problem Statement

Round 3 Problem Statement for Zonals

Problem Statement for Junior

A Team must assemble a wired/wireless robot that is capable of performing the operation of picking up objects and placing them in target zones to complete the task. The robot has to be brought unassembled and it is to be assembled with mechanical parts in front of Judges.

Problem Statement for Senior

Teams must create a Wireless robot capable of completing the given problem of dragging the objects and arranging them in allocated zones. Teams must bring pre-programmed Robot with Arduino or other controllers. The robot has to be brought unassembled and it is to be assembled with mechanical parts in front of Judges.

Finale Problem Statement

Problem Statement for Junior

Welcome to the Kreativity League/MechanzO League Finale, featuring the intense "PICK and Place Bot Race." Witness as autonomous robots go head-to head, navigating obstacles, sharp turns, and speed breaker zones. The challenge: precision in picking blocks from a square section and strategically placing them in a circular drop zone.

Problem Statement for Senior

Welcome to the thrilling stage of the Kre8ivity League! Brace yourself for a Robotic challenge that merges precision, ingenuity, and navigational finesse. Your task, should you seize this opportunity, is to design, construct, and program a drag-and-place bot with the added complexity of navigating through a challenging maze.